Play development

  • No Forthcoming Dates
  • Online
  • Culture & Community, Inclusion, SEND
  • Full
  • Primary
  • Subject Leadership, Leadership
  • Free For Partner Schools
  • Free

3 x play development sessions to support school providing play development programmes for children.

Session 2 is now on the 23rd Feb and Session 3 is now on the 2nd March 2023

Play Therapy is defined as a dynamic interpersonal relationship between the a child (or person of any age) and a therapist trained Play Therapy procedures who provides selected play materials and facilitates the development of a safe relationship for the child (or person of any age) to fully express and explore self (feelings, thoughts, experiences and behaviours) through play, the child's natural medium of communication, for optimal growth and development.

Landreth, G. L. (2012)

Play Therapy: The Art of the Relationship (3rd Edition) : New York, Routledge

Play Therapy - Play Therapy is equivalent to adult verbal counselling and therapy, but it uses children's primary form of communication, play to access the therapy. Children and young people may not have the language, cognitive and emotional development to be able to verbalise the things that are impacting on their well-being.

Many of us often find it difficult to discuss our emotions and difficult experiences. However it is even more challenging for children and young people who are learning to talk and communicate and have yet to learn the skill of discussing emotions with adults.

Play Therapy is an effective method to enable children and young people to access and explore their emotions and experiences that may be impacting on their wellbeing.

Play Therapy - Pioneered by Virginia Axline, Play Therapy has been used since the mid 1940's and has developed in to an established and proven method of helping children and young people.

Children can feel overwhelmed by their emotions and may not respond to us asking them directly about difficult subjects. They often refuse to share anything or say what they think we want to hear.

Play is children's way of exploring their issues. However sometimes children need the additional support of a trained Play Therapist to enable to them to address their issues. The role of the Play Therapist is to provide a therapeutic environment which promotes positive changes in the child. Positive changes come about from the symbolic communication of the child's play and the therapeutic relationship with the Play Therapist.

About The Course

3 x play development sessions to support school providing play development programmes for children.

Play Therapy can help children and young people (3 -16 years old) who:

What Play Therapy can help with

  • seem unable to play

  • appear withdrawn and disconnected

  • lack confidence and belief in themselves and their abilities

  • are not reaching their academic potential

  • present as anxious, worried or phobic

  • have experienced traumatic event/s

  • have suffered loss or bereavement

  • have suffered physical, emotional, or sexual abuse

  • struggle to make and maintain friendships

  • have experience developmental interpersonal trauma

  • have attachment difficulties

  • Have witnessed domestic violence

  • Have lived with long term illness or disability

  • Display inappropriate behaviours

  • Have experienced bullying or use bullying behaviours

  • Are confused about divorce and relationship separations

    Play Therapy uses toys and play as words to help children express themselves. As the child is able to choose what they do in the Play Therapy session, they feel in control and safe enough to work on the issues that are impacting on them.

They get to practice new skills in a playful way in the playroom, before using them in their ordinary life. Children are also able to use the distance and safety of play to re-experience difficult experiences and explore, gain understanding and control over the emotions that difficult experiences evoke.

About the Programme Leader

Jogo Behaviour Support is a specialist company providing a variery of services including behaviour support, training, therapeutic services, family support, attendance support and whole school services.

Jogo Behaviour Support is your 'one-stop shop' as our multi-disciplinary team can offer a range of services to meet multiple needs.

Jogo Behaviour Support's strengths lie in both the expert knowledge and experience of our team, and also the content of the support and training we provide. All of our team have spent their careers supporting and succeeding with children, young people and families that are experiencing issues around social, emotional, mental health and behaviour.

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