Science support led by Jane Banham


7.10.24 Subject leadership in Science
3.10.24 Science Network
16.1.25 Being more confident in assessing Primary Science
13.2.25 Science Network
24.4.25 Disciplinary skills in Science
19.5.25 Science Network
16.6.25 Vocabulary development in Science
Jane BanhamScience Consultant

Jane has over 30 years’ experience in the education sector and continues to teach part time, which Jane thoroughly enjoys. Jane is a Chartered Science Teacher, a Fellow of the Primary Science Teaching Trust, where she received Primary Science Teacher of the Year Award, and a Senior Professional Development Lead for STEM Learning. As a former LEA advisor for science, Jane has extensive experience of training teachers at all stages in their career, Jane continues to lecture on numerous ITE University courses across the East Midlands. Jane also writes educational resources for a number of national organisations including Association of Science Education, National Farmers Union, Environment Agency and STEM Learning. Recently Jane co-wrote an academic paper published in 2022 Outhwaite, D., Banham, J. and Cummings, A. (2022), ‘A Case Study of the Benefits of the Science Learning Partnerships in Early Years and Primary Education in England’, Education Sciences: 12:2 107.

Jane enjoys working with teachers and pupils to enable them to become more knowledgeable and passionate about science, alongside developing their understanding of how science can open doors and enrich their lives. ’




Jane is also offering the following support to schools:


Science is an enormously complex and difficult subject to teach, often requiring specialist help and support. Our expert Science consultant Jane Banham can do a health-check audit of your current Science provision to ensure your school is either on the right track or to enable you to put effective plans on place. The health check will take the form of an audit of your Science planning, resources, delivery and staff training etc. followed by a 2-hour online meeting with key stakeholders and a final brief report of recommendations.

This will ensure you have taken all the necessary steps you can to teach Science well and give your children the best start in Science you can.

1. You would complete a quick audit document we will send in advance.

2. Jane will study any planning and current resources you have in place, to evaluate your current provision.

3. Jane will arrange an online meeting with your subject lead and/or senior leaders to discuss your Science provision

4. Jane will write a brief report of the findings which will include recommendations for how the subject could move forward.

£400.00 per school

£350.00 per Partner School